The video is playing different Pesrev than sheet. Video plays Ferahfeza Son Pesrev (Duyek usul) & Son Yuruk Semai and the nota/sheet is another Ferahfeza Pesrev in Muhammes usul by the same composer, Zeki Mehmet Aga.
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Çok nefis bir icraat.ellerinize gönüllerinize sağlık.
YanıtlaSilThe video is playing different Pesrev than sheet. Video plays Ferahfeza Son Pesrev (Duyek usul) & Son Yuruk Semai and the nota/sheet is another Ferahfeza Pesrev in Muhammes usul by the same composer, Zeki Mehmet Aga.
YanıtlaSilDear Alejandro Iglesias
SilYes, you are right. We had made a mistake. We will correct that mistake as soon as possible.
Thank you very much for your advice.
Dear Alejandro Iglesias
SilWe corrected mistake. Thanx again for your attention and advice.